
Sophomore Lucas Hopkins can look up - literally - to his dad

在下午6:03.m.11月. 21, 电竞赌博平台 sophomore Lucas Hopkins could look to the sky from his family’s home southeast of Houston and watch his father fly overhead.

仅仅四分钟后,他的父亲,U.S. 空军上校. Michael Hopkins, flew over the 电竞赌博平台 campus.

Time flies when you’re speeding 250 miles above planet Earth at 17,500 miles per hour aboard the International Space Station (ISS).

六天前, 卢卡斯和他妈妈朱莉在一起, older brother Ryan and other family members and friends watching his dad lift off to the ISS from the Kennedy Space Center as commander of the Crew-1 SpaceX Crew Dragon.

“We were at a building about two miles away (from Launch Complex 39A), and 15 minutes before launch we went up on the roof,卢卡斯说. “We were all tracking our heart rates and they shot up as it got closer.

Two young men stand arm in arm in front of a rocket.
Lucas Hopkins (left) and his brother Ryan stand in front of the rocket their father rode into space Nov. 15.

“As soon as the rocket lights up, it’s a combination of nervousness and excitement. I mean, my dad is strapped to the top of this rocket. It’s an insane mix of emotions, but such a good feeling. I felt confident after about three minutes (into the flight), 但我妈妈自始至终都很紧张. Once they were about seven minutes in, everything looked good.”

Lucas almost didn’t make it to Cape Canaveral, but thanks to his rector in Keough Hall, 牧师. 布罗根·瑞安,C.S.C., and the staff at Coronavirus Response Unit (CRU), he got there — a little late but in time.

原定于11月11日前往佛罗里达州. 8, a week before the launch, Lucas was waylaid after contact tracing put him into quarantine Nov. 4. Using the 4/7 protocol that 电竞赌博平台 developed in conjunction with the St. 约瑟夫县卫生局, CRU staff monitored Lucas closely and tested him on day four and day seven of his quarantine period. After testing negative on both days, he was cleared to leave quarantine and flew to Florida on Nov. 12, two days before the scheduled launch (which ended up being delayed one day to Sunday11月. 15).

Faculty members also played a helpful role in getting Lucas to liftoff, giving him excused absences and working with him on homework and scheduling finals.

“All of my professors were very understanding and thought it was very cool,卢卡斯说。, 谁主修统计学 理学院 打算辅修 保险精算学 而且,可能是某种 业务小.

“As soon as the rocket lights up, it’s a combination of nervousness and excitement.” ——卢卡斯·霍普金斯

He took one final exam online while in Florida, then flew back to 电竞赌博平台 on Nov. 剩下的决赛成绩是16分. 11月11日,他回到了德克萨斯州的弗兹伍德. 20.

Mike Hopkins earned a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering from the University of Illinois, 他在哪里当过足球队队长, 还有硕士学位, 在航空航天领域也是如此, 斯坦福大学. He served the Air Force in numerous capacities and locales before his selection to the astronaut corps. 卢卡斯出生在冷湖, 阿尔伯塔省, 加拿大, where Mike was an exchange officer at the Canadian Flight Test Center. His assignments then took the family to Monterrey, California; Parma, 意大利, outside Rome; and Virginia, where Mike served at the Pentagon in the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office and as a special assistant to the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

It took 12 years and four applications before Mike realized his dream of becoming an astronaut. In a commencement address in 2014 at his undergraduate alma mater he said: “I started applying to NASA’s astronaut training program in 1996. I was turned down for the 1998 class, for the 2000 class, and, again, for the 2004 class. I figured I’d just keep applying until I either made it or NASA told me, ‘Don’t bother.“我终于被录取进了2009届.”

Lucas remembers well how his father revealed his selection. 当我住在弗吉尼亚时, the family toured the Smithsonian Institution’s National Air and Space Museum, which had astronaut teddy bears in the gift shop. Mike told the boys he would get them one if he was ever selected to the astronaut corps.

“We were at a restaurant and my dad pulled out the teddy bears,卢卡斯说. “当时我八岁,一开始不太明白. But then I understood after my brother said, ‘No, way!’”

This is Mike’s second long-duration mission to the ISS. He spent 166 days on station after launching from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan Sept. 2013年25日,在俄罗斯联盟号宇宙飞船上.

Lucas was 12 at the time and remembers one especially different experience between then and now.

“We were with about 15 family members from others on the mission,他说, “and they took all of us out to an open field to watch the launch. There, literally, were camels in the field behind us.”

2013年的任务, Mike完成了2,地球的656个轨道, 旅行了七千万英里, 和宇航员里克·马斯特拉奇奥一起, conducted two space walks totaling nearly 13 hours to make repairs to a degraded pump module. 就像他上次在车站呆的时候一样, 他是这次任务的飞行工程师, 其中包括一系列太空行走, 货轮的到达和离开, a wide array of scientific experiments and maintenance on the space station.

Col. Hopkins will again command Crew-1 when it returns for a splashdown in the Atlantic Ocean off the east coast of Florida or in the Gulf of Mexico around May 1. That’s two weeks before 电竞赌博平台’s final exams begin, so, 如果一切按计划进行, Lucas should be able to watch his father’s return from space without quite the academic challenges he faced at the end of this semester.